The Gospel of John
(They may surely look and yet Not See, and
surely hear and yet Not Understand...(Mk. 4:12))
The Gospel of John is one of the sixty-six books in the Word of Yahweh. Certain Church doctrines issue forth from this Gospel, these being the incarnation, preexistence of Christ, Divinity of Christ, transubstantiation, Christ's physically caring his cross, Mary the Mother of God, the Logos, God-man, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit and many more. We must ask ourselves, 'Why aren't these Church doctrines in the other books of Yahweh; doctrines that actually contradict the other sixty-five books?' For instance, Moses wrote of Yahweh and not of a Triune God (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit)? Was Moses aware that someday believers would be teaching that Yahweh was going to enter a womb for nine months, resulting in his birth as a human baby, nursing from the breast of Mary his mother, messing in his diapers and learning to walk and speak as a child? Absolutely not! Then what can be the explanations for these Church doctrines? The answer lies in the hardness of their heart; their desire for a god they can have images of, such as Jesus (pictures & statues) and the holy spirit (doves), and the misapplication of, 'Figures of Speech.' We will address the confusion that results in the misapplication of figures of speech. Yahoshua spoke in figures of speech (Parables) for the specific purpose to misdirect the hearers. In Mark 4:2, 10-12, Yahoshua stated, "And he began to teach them, in parables, many things...And when he was alone they who were about him with the twelve questioned him as to the parables; and he was saying unto them—To you, the sacred secret hath been given of the kingdom of Yahweh, whereas, to them who are outside, in parables are all things coming to pass,—that They may surely look and yet not see, and surely hear and yet not understand..." I will present the case that the literal statements, in the Gospel of John, are those that agree with or do not contradict the other three Gospels and the rest of the scriptures (unless they are figurative statements in the other books) while all the other statements that do not agree or contradict the other books are figurative. (Yahweh's uses of figures of speech will be discussed later.)
A prime example, to Protestants, of a chapter in the Gospel of John that is figurative, being mistakenly taken literal is John 6; the Roman Catholic Church's doctrine of transubstantiation (The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist) issues forth from this chapter. They state, "By the miracles of the loaves and fishes and the walking upon the waters, on the previous day, Christ not only prepared His hearers for the sublime discourse containing the promise of the Eucharist, but also proved to them that He possessed, as Almighty God-man, a power superior to and independent of the laws of nature, and could, therefore, provide such a supernatural food, none other, in fact, than His own Flesh and Blood. This discourse was delivered at Capharnaum (John 6:26-72)), and is divided into two distinct parts, about the relation of which Catholic exegetes vary in opinion. Nothing hinders our interpreting the first part [John 6:26-48]] metaphorically and understanding by "bread of heaven" Christ Himself as the object of faith, to be received in a figurative sense as a spiritual food by the mouth of faith. Such a figurative explanation of the second part of the discourse (John 6:52-72)), however, is not only unusual but absolutely impossible, as even Protestant exegetes (Delitzsch, Kostlin, Keil, Kahnis, and others) readily concede." This error is very apparent to Protestants but the eyes of the Roman Catholics "...surely look and yet not see, and surely hear and yet not understand..." Another example of people erring by taking Yahoshua's words literal when they were figurative is John 2:19-20. Yahoshua said, "...Take down this shrine, and, in three days, will I raise it. The Jews, therefore, said—In forty and six years, was this shrine built. And, thou, in three days, wilt raise it!" Did Yahoshua ever correct their misunderstanding? No! At his crucifixion the Jews were still repeating their misunderstanding, as recorded in Mark 5:29, which states, "And, the passers-by, were reviling him, shaking their heads, and saying—Aha! thou who wast pulling down the shrine, and building one in three days!" The same errors occur today within the Christian Church; the errors of making a figurative truth, 'literal,' or making a literal truth, 'figurative.'
We have been forewarned that, "...whoever shall exalt himself, shall be, abased, and, whoever shall abase himself, shall be, exalted" (Mt. 2:12). We must come to the conclusion that Yahweh uses figures of speech, with the sole purpose of keeping certain exalted people in the dark! The Gospel of John is one of Yahweh's Tests. As a whole, the Christian Church has flunked this test, as we will see. This study is only for those who will humble themselves to the scriptures, disregarding the doctrines of men and the future wrath of religious men. It is comprised into four chapters. Chapter one deals with the length of Yahoshua's ministry. Chapter two discusses the enigmas in the Gospel. Chapter three centers on John chapter one and chapter four discusses the Holy Spirit in chapters 14 to 16.
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******** Additional Readings on The Gospel of John ********
Yahoshua’s Ministry was Six Months
In the past, people, in error, have reconciled the travels of Yahoshua in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke (the synoptic gospels), which agree with each other, to the Gospel of John, which, in many ways is a different narrative of the life of our Lord. The Gospel of John is unique and must stand alone. As will be illustrated, the ministry of Yahoshua, in the three Gospels, lasted six months or less, while in the Gospel of John, it lasts three years or more. Yahweh has presented us with two different narratives of his Son’s ministry. The accounts in Matthew, Mark and Luke have to be Yahoshua’s literal travels (the three agreeing, out-numbering the one), while John’s narrative, when disagreeing with the other three Gospels, must be viewed as figurative.
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"Who is this Man? - A study in the Book of Colossians"
"Who is this Man whose coming was prophesied in Genesis chapter three, who was named by the Creator before his birth, who is called the only-begotten Son of Yahweh, who is seated at the right hand of the Creator? Who is this Man who by his birth changed the world's calendars, who had more books printed about him than anyone else in the world? Who is this Man who people will live and die for having never met him face to face? Who is this Man that has given people hope for conquering death by promising them that they will arise from among the dead to live a wonderful age-abiding life on a new earth with him? Who is this Man who out of all the beings in Yahweh's creation is the only one worthy to open the scroll in the book of Revelations? The Apostles questioned, "…Who then is, this, that, both the wind and the sea, give ear unto him" (Mr. 4:41)?" Read Complete Article

The Gospel of John is an Enigma
"The majority of Christians have magnified the Gospel of John over all of Yahweh's books.
Johannine literature abounds in relationship to the other Gospels. Church doctrines
emanate from this book, while contradicting Yahweh's dogma recorded in His other sixtyfive
books. The Gospel of John is a puzzle a riddle an enigma. One possible explanation
for this enigma is presented in the book, 'One God & One Lord,' which states, "The
Gospel of John is a profoundly, literary portrait of the Messiah that emphasizes his postresurrection
glorification at the right hand of Yahweh. It goes beyond being prophetic and
becomes proleptic by portraying him as already glorious." E W Bullinger believes that
the Gospel of John, the Book of Hebrews and the Book of Revelations were written to the
Hebrews who will be present after the Body of the Christ has ascended into heaven with
their Lord. The Gospel of John does not complement Matthew, Mark
and Luke but it does complement the Book of Revelations. In my opinion, the textual
critics should have placed the Book of Acts following the Gospel of Luke and placed the
Gospel of John before the Book of Revelations. Our Father makes us work for His
treasures, which are written in His Word. He tells us in II Thessalonians 3:10 that if a man
will not work neither should he eat. Let us begin our archeological dig into this Gospel and
its complement, the Book of Revelations, in order that we may feed on the things of
Yahweh. As Jeremiah said, "Thy words, were found, and I did eat them, Then became thy
words unto me, the joy and gladness of my heart…!" Read Complete PDF Article

"Decoding the Gospel of John"
"Our Heavenly Father thinks very highly of us, so much so that some of his writings are written in code. These writings are for those who will humbly put forth the time and the energy to unlock his divine messages; for those who will bow their knees to the Father, asking him to open their eyes and heart to these hidden truths; for those who do not seek to please men or to be exalted by men but rather they seek to know him with a knowledge that he alone can give in order that they may be filled unto all the fullness of Yahweh. As a whole, the truths in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke are not in code but rather these books present truths that all can eat and digest; a deciphering code book is not necessary for these books. In contrast, the Gospel of John does not begin with lineage or with John the Immerser or with a prologue but with, a puzzle; “Originally, was, the Word, and, the Word, was, with Yahweh; and, the Word, was, Yahweh.” This first statement is our introduction into an appearingly, surreal book that if you do not have the code you will get lost. This article will cover John 1:1 to 1:18, a section of scripture that has, over the centuries, produced countless misconceptions because the travelers did not have or did not seek the code book which unlocks these scriptures." Read Complete Article

Only-Begotten God (John 1:18)
The Protestant Church proclaims, 'Sola Scriptura!,' Latin for, 'scripture alone.' Their first statement of belief is, "The Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is God's revelation of Himself to man. It is a perfect treasure of divine instruction. It has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter. Therefore, all Scripture is totally true and trustworthy..." But, the majority, as will be illustrated, really do not believe, 'all,' the scriptures, which includes theologians, ministers and Bible translators; John 1:18 being a prime example. John 1:18 just does not fit into their preconceived or taught theology, causing them to rebel against what Yahweh has written, replacing it with what they would like it to say. Their rebellion, for over 200 years, will be illustrated. The finger prints of our adversary are all over this corruption, whether the men who are taking part in this assault are deceived or just children of the adversary.
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