Miscellaneous Articles
"King’s of Glory"
"Christ is the antitype of the king of Psalm forty-five. Yahshua went from the high of the mountain top when the multitudes cried, “…Hosanna! Blessed is he that is coming in the name of Yahweh,––even the King of Israel,” to the absolute low of the valley when they “…cried aloud––Away! away! Crucify him! Pilate saith unto them––Your king, shall I crucify? The High–priests answered––We have no king but Caesar” (Jn. 12:13, 19:15)! Naked to the world, nailed to a cross with a title that read, “YAHSHUA, THE NAZARENE, THE KING OF THE JEWS,” mocked with a crown of thorns upon his head, Christ looked to the promise of Psalm forty-five as foretold by his Father, which reads, “Thy throne, O Elohim, is to times age–abiding and beyond, A sceptre of equity, is the sceptre of thy kingdom...For this cause, peoples, shall praise thee, to times age–abiding and beyond” (Ps. 45:6, 17). The Kings of Glory, Yahweh and Yahshua, are presented in the Psalms. Yahweh, is the King of Glory, in Psalm twenty-four and his beloved Son, Yahshua, is the king in Psalm forty-five, as the antitype. " Read Complete Article
"Baptism with the Holy Ghost"
"What is the baptism with the holy spirit. There are only two things, the creature and the Creator; one having its bounds and limits within the sphere of creation, the other having His place and habitation above and beyond it: not of creation a part, though the Author and Sustainer of its being; not mixed up with it in any way, nor inhabiting any part of it; but out of the world: "I came forth out of the Father, and have come into the world,––Again, I leave the world, and go, unto the Father" (John 16:28)." Read Complete Article
"Anointed Leaders are Flawed - Lessons learned from the kings: Solomon, Jeroboam & Jehu"
"Does Yahweh anoint men and women knowing that part of what they will teach and do will be contrary to His Word? Would He anoint a believer even if He knows that he will be worshipping Him along with man-made gods? Yes He does! Solomon, Jeroboam and Jehu's callings and lives are examples of this. This lesson is vital to learn because believers can follow anointed leaders of Yahweh into sin, even though these leaders have done great things for Yahweh and Christ. Yahshua instructed us that you shall know a tree by its fruit. Distinguishing between good and evil fruit is not a problem, in most cases, but a problem occurs when the same tree is producing both good and evil fruit, as was the case of King Jehu. People have a tendency to believe that if a person is Yahweh's servant, called by Yahweh, then everything he teaches and practices is from Yahweh. This as we shall see in the lives of King Solomon, King Jeroboam and King Jehu is very far from the truth." Read Complete Article
"Understanding St. Paul's Epistles by John Locke"
"To go about to explain any of St. Paul's Epistles, after so great a Train of Expositors and Commentators, might seem an Attempt of Vanity, censurable for its Needlessness, did not the daily and approved Examples of pious and learned Men justify it. This may be some Excuse for me to the Public, if ever these following Papers should chance to come abroad: But to my self for whose Use this Work was undertaken, I need make no Apology. Though I had been conversant in these Epistles, as well as in other Parts of Sacred Scripture, yet I found that I understood them not; I mean the doctrinal and discursive parts of them: Though the practical Directions, which are usually dropped in the latter Part of each Epistle, appeared to me very plain, intelligible, and instructive." Read Complete Article
"A Festival unto Yahweh"
""GOOD is Yahweh to all, and, his tender compassions, are over all his works" (Ps. 145:9). What a powerful statement! Our old man nature directs our eyes to gaze upon what we do not have rather than to what we have; to dwell upon the sadness in our lives rather than the joys; seeing the glass as being half empty rather than half full. Man-made religions have taught us to whip ourselves for our short comings rather than having us dance for joy in celebration to Yahweh for life. Yahweh desires His children to be happy, joyful, merry and thankful. You mean, I am supposed to be happy, singing a song in my heart to Yahweh even when the world is in the state it is? Absolutely! We are to "SING to Yahweh, a song that is new, Sing to Yahweh, all the earth…It is good to give thanks to Yahweh, And to sing praises unto thy Name, O Most High" (Ps. 96:1, 92:1)."
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"One Man’s Victory"
"The story of Yahowyada (yeh-ho-yaw-daw’ Jehoiada) is a story about the stand of one man against spiritual wickedness; a story of success against great odds; a story to pattern our lives with in order to be holy and acceptable unto our Father. Our individual lives influence other lives either positively or negatively. When we go to sleep, if Christ has not returned, our life leaves with it a legacy to mankind. Yahowyada, the priest of Yahweh, single-handedly transformed the nation of Judah. Judah was sacrificing to Yahweh offerings that had the foul stink of death. Yahowyada returned Judah into the way of righteousness; to offer up to Yahweh the sweet smelling fragrance of holiness. We have been called to walk in love––even as, the Christ also, loved us, and delivered himself up in our behalf, an offering and sacrifice unto Yahweh, for a fragrance of sweet smell (Eph. 5:2). Yahowyada is our example of what one man can do." Read Complete Article
Leaders of the Old Testament
Timeline of Leaders, Judges, Kings, Prophets of the Old Testament Read Complete PDF Article
The Lesson of Sampson
"Yahshua (Joshua) instructed the children of Israel that, "One man of you, can chase a
thousand,––for, Yahweh your Elohim, is he that fighteth for you…" (Josh. 23:10).
Samson, a judge of Israel for twenty years, fulfilled the words of Yahshua as recorded
above. He killed, in one day, one thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass. Yahweh
raised up judges, such as Samson, to save Israel from the hand of their enemies. A judge
of Israel was called to administer Yahweh's justice, which Samson unleashed on the
Philistines including their god Dagon. Yahweh called Samson from his birth for a purpose
to, "save Israel out of the hand of the Philistines" (Jud. 13:5); Samson, a man filled with
the spirit of Yahweh, a man of strength and weaknesses, made Yahweh's Hall of Fame as
recorded in Hebrews 11. His life is recorded for our instruction on how to imitate his faith,
valor and repentance and also to learn to evade and expose the deceptions of darkness." Read Complete PDF Article
Cry From the Tomb
"The tombs of the Hebrews would afford shelter, being either natural caves or recesses
hewn out of the rock. The tombs were unclean to the Hebrews, because of the dead men's
bones. They would attract those who sought to flee from all fellowship of their kind.
There was a man of Decapolis, a Hebrew, who called the tombs his home. At some point
in his life, he made a cry to Yahweh, which may have sounded like Palms. 142:5-7. "I
have made outcry unto thee, O Yahweh,—I have said, Thou, art my refuge, my portion, in
the land of the living. Attend thou unto my loud cry, for I am brought very low,—Rescue
me from my pursuers, for they are stronger than I. O bring forth, out of prison, my soul,
That I may give thanks unto thy Name,—About me, let the righteous gather round, for
thou wilt deal bountifully with me." His prayer was an SOS, a May Day call for
deliverance." Read Complete PDF Article
King Saul Practiced Necrolatry
"Necrolatry is the worship or excess reverence of the dead. Dead means, "without life."
Nekros is the Greek word that we translate "dead." God's Word states that if someone has
died, they will remain dead until the resurrection of the dead (1 Thess. 4, Rev. 20).
Yahshua Christ was the first born from among the dead. (Col. 1:15, Rev. 1:5, I Cor.
15:20). By seeking the dead, we allow ourselves to be deceived by Satan as King Saul
was. The belief that some part of a dead person exists in a place called heaven, purgatory,
limbo or hell is based on pagan religions. Poor Bible translations have also encouraged this
pagan belief that has become part of Christianity. God takes necromancy very seriously.
"And as touching man or woman, when there shall be in them a familiar spirit (0178), or
the spirit of an circle, they shall, surely be put to death" (Lev. 20:27). Read Complete PDF Article
Can you Lie to an Enemy?
"The title of the story in our article was called, "His religion Was Real." Following religion instead
of Christianity can lead to unnecessary death and hardship as it did with the above
missionaries. Following the speed limit is obeying the law but speeding or breaking that
law is allowed and expected when a person's life is at stake. Yahweh can and is flexible on
His commandments. King David had Uriah murdered and according to the Law of Moses,
David should have been put to death but Yahweh spared his life by breaking His own
commandment. Our Father's will for us is to walk by the spirit in love, which may include
lying to an enemy. We must walk by the spirit and common sense as the saints listed
in our article have done." Read Complete PDF Article
The Higher Authorities of Romans 13
"The, "higher authorities" of Romans 13:1-7 has been interpreted by many religious
institutions to mean our civil authorities or government officials. This section of scripture
is difficult because the higher authorities could be government officials (although it never
states that) or they could be ministers or servants of Yahweh. The Greek word translated,
higher, is huperecho, which means to excel and is used five times in the New Testament.
Lets take a look at the characteristics of these individuals, as described in Romans 13, to
determine to whom we are to give our submission." Read Complete PDF Article
Shooting for the Stars
"Religion and the traditions of man have put many Christians in a position that discourages
godly aspirations. Yahweh's Word encourages godly achievements and the seeking of
rewards for our present and future lives. Our Father presented to His Son, Yahshua, a
colossal task. If he could accomplish it he would also receive a colossal reward. Our Lord
shot for the stars and hit his mark." Read Complete PDF Article
This Sacred Secret is Great
"The Epistle to the Ephesians is the pinnacle of the doctrine for the Assembly of the Body.
The sacred secret (musterion) sometimes translated, mystery, is unveiled in chapter three
and the book ends with the Apostle Paul requesting that prayer be made for him so "that,
unto me, may be given discourse in the opening of my mouth, with freedom of utterance,
to make known the sacred secret of the glad-message" (Eph. 6:19). In the Book of
Colossians, Paul request prayer, "that, Yahweh, would open unto us a door for the word,
so that we may speak the sacred secret of the Christ—for the sake of which also I am in
bonds, That I may make it manifest as behoveth me to speak" (Col. 4:3,4). Musterion is
used more in the Book of Ephesians (six times) than in any other Book. This sacred secret
revealed in the Church Epistles is a if not the pinnacle of Christianity." Read Complete PDF Articlee
What about the Jew
"Many Christian's organizations are financially supporting the nation of Israel. These
organizations believe that Israel is part of the family of Yahweh; a Christian's brother. We
will examine the Word of Yahweh to see if this is true. We will also determine who is a
Jew according to the Word of Yahweh and who is a Jew according to the world?" Read Complete PDF Article
Your Mission in Life
"Why am I here? What is my purpose in life? What is my mission? The purpose of our
existence is not about going to school, getting a job, getting married, buying a house,
saving money, retiring, vacationing and then dying. These events are necessary and they
do give meaning to our lives but there is more. These stages of life are not to be confused
with our individual missions, commissioned by Yahweh and Christ, which we have been
called out to perform. Most Christians, I believe, would except their commission if they
knew what their mission was. Defining someone's mission in life is our purpose for this
article." Read Complete PDF Article
Holy shall you be, because, I, am Holy (When to Shun a Brother in Christ)
"The word, 'shun,' means to avoid deliberately; as a practice, to keep clear of. Our Father
has given Christians a specific instruction, to avoid Christian brothers or sisters who
choose to live in a lifestyle apart from holiness. In this New Age of so-called, 'Love,' that
we presently live in, this commandment of our Father is generally not taught to the
Christian Church. Many teach, in the present day Church, an unconditional love, which
says I will never avoid you. This contradicts our Father's instructions. What are we
commanded to do when a Christian brother is cohabiting with a woman who is not his
wife? What am I supposed to do when my father, who is a Christian, is a drunkard or my
sister refuses to work even though she has the ability to work? We are commanded not o,
'sunanamignumi' with them." Read Complete PDF Article
How to Enter, Abide and Increase
in Communion with Christ
"Click links for a speech that was given by J. Rufus Moseley in 1952, which was original called, "How to Enter, Abide and Increase in Union with Jesus Christ. We have reworked his article to be more accurate to the Word of Yahweh. The state we are seeking to acquire is presented in the Greek word, 'koinonia.' Koinonia, which has been translated fellowship, communion and sharing together is most common in Paul's writings, for whom it has a directly religious content. Paul uses koinonia for the religious fellowship (participation) of the believer in Christ and Christian blessings, and for the mutual fellowship of believers. According to 1 Corinthians 1:9 Christians are called to fellowship (participation) with the Son. They are lifted up to be His fellows. They enter into a spiritual communion with the risen Lord." Read Complete Speech