A Covenant of Marriage to Christ
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Our present teachings on How to Become a Christian or “What Must I do to be Saved,” are very vague, incomplete, if not outright wrong. Do people enter into a Covenant of Marriage more seriously than becoming a Christian? I believe the majority do. The majority of people today do not understand the meaning of a covenant with Yahweh. Marriage used to be a covenant that the majority of people kept, but today, fifty percent of Christian marriages, in the USA, end in divorce, meaning the vowing of promises, by at least one party, are not taken seriously. Yahweh is a Covenant God! Christianity is, in a figure, a Marriage Covenant to Christ as one’s Lord, that is to say, Master, that is to say, Owner, not to be broken in one’s lifetime, as the marriage covenant was originally designed. A person entering into this covenant demands, from that person, total fidelity; priority over your father, mother, brother, sister, wife, husband and your citizenship. Yehoshua proclaimed, in Matthew 10:37, “He that loveth father or mother above me, is not, worthy, of me, — and, he that loveth son or daughter above me, is not, worthy, of me.” We must apply all of Yahweh’s Words in our lives and not just a few verses. Can a person enter into a covenant without reading his responsibilities? One can read from Genesis to Revelation, in selected readings, in thirty hours, thereby knowing what he is obligated to conform to Christ. The message of salvation today, in the Protestant Church, has been so simplified, in order, I believe, to save everyone, resulting in the very good possibility, according to today’s Protestant message, that Hitler and Stalin are with God and Jesus in Heaven at this moment. Is this the message Yahweh is proclaiming in his Word; Free passage to Heaven for all, regardless of what you have done or are going to do? This article is for the Teleios (Mature) members in Christ and not for babes.
It appears from Romans 10:9 that I am required to do only two things to become a Christian (Be saved):
- Confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord.
- Believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead.
Is a person saved if he meets the above two requirements but only for one day? One month? One year? Ten years? Hitler was confirmed as a Christian. Stalin was also a Christian, attending a seminary. Can a person accomplish the above two requirements but refuse to obey the Ten Commandments and be saved, salvation being a Gift? Without reading the rest of Yahweh’s Word, thereby relying solely on this verse it would appear that I am not entering into a life long covenant; Christ not being my Master for the rest of my life. It appears that after completing the above requirements, there are no more responsiblies required by me throughout my life; once saved, always saved; eternal salvation? Billy Graham promises, “Salvation isn’t ours until we reach out and accept it.” It would appear that this is a unilateral covenant and not a bilateral covenant, a promise by Yahweh that I will be saved regardless of my future actions; salvation being a free gift, not of works? The above ceremony would be likened to a marriage where a man would confess with his mouth that he takes this woman to be his wife, she requiring nothing more from him, while his wife’s requirements would be to take care of him the rest of his life; would this arrangement be similar to entering into Christianity? She has an obligation to him but he is not obligated to serve her? Does Christ have obligations to you but you do not have an obligation to him because you did not enter into a bilateral covenant with Christ but rather you received a free gift from Yahweh to use how ever you please? You are allowed to commit adultery against Christ, your Head, but he can not commit adultery against you? You can divorce Christ, choosing another but he can not divorce you.
According to the below testimonies, you can because you have been given, “Eternal Security!” Are Hitler and Stalin with God and Jesus in Heaven, because they confessed and believed Romans 10:9 in their youth, thereby being promised, “Eternal Security?” Yes, according to Billy Graham and others, such as Dallas Theological Seminary! Billy Graham instructs people how to go to Heaven in the following statements.
How Can I Know for Sure I’ll Go to Heaven?
(Read the PDF File for the Complete Article.)