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Faith Unleashes PowerThe Hebrew verb, aman, (aw-man’) (believe) is what made Abraham and Sarah famous, for Abram and Sarai amaned [believed] in what Yahweh promised them,—so Yahweh reckoned it to them, as righteousness (Gen. 15:6). Aman is a verb, which requires action as confirmed in James 2:17; faith without works [action] is dead. Abraham & Sarah, by believing the words Yahweh spoke to them, unveiled a spiritual power, that is not of this world; by believing in Yahweh's words, they brought into fruition, the impossible (Isaac); words that natural science would call, 'impossible;' The same words of Yahweh, as promises in his Word, are as available to us as they were to Abraham and Sarah. Our decision is whether to aman (believe) these promises, as they did, thereby receiving the promised fruit or to disbelieve his promises, as did the ten spies sent out by Moses, who lived a life less than fruitful; a life of regret. This spiritual power, is not of this world; it can not be seen until a promise of Yahweh is believed upon; once done, a force unknown to the natural world is unleashed; a force when beheld by men, glorifies the Creator, as did Pharaoh's sacred scribes, who said, "The finger of Elohim, it is"! Was this spiritual power reserved for Moses only? Apostles? Prophets? No, for Yahweh has promised, "And what [is] the surpassing greatness of his power unto us who believe,—according to the energy of the grasp of his might..." (Eph. 1:19). This promised spiritual force is the thread that runs through the Word of Yahweh, the thread that states, 'Faith unleashes Power!' Power is defined as the ability to do or effect something or anything, or to act upon a person or thing. This article is for people who have already received the indwelling power, the power that is not of this world, which is the ruah (spirit) of Yahweh; ruah and power go hand-in-hand. The phrase, spirit (ruah) and power is a figure of speech called, Two for One (Hendiadys); two words used, but one thing meant. The two words are of the same parts of speech; two nouns or two verbs joined together by the conjunction, 'and.' You can accurately rephrase, 'spirit and power,' to, 'ruah, that is to say, power,' is upon me. Yahoshua manifested this power, which I will call, 'spiritual (heavenly) power,' in contrast to the power that is natural (earthly). John 8:23 demonstrates what I am attempting to communicate; "And he was saying unto them—Ye, are, of the realms below, I, am, of the realms above: Ye, are, of this world, I, am not of this world." There is natural (earthly) power that is of this world and there spiritual (heavenly) power that is not of this world. Ruah (spirit), that is to say, Power, is an invisible force, which was poured out, from heaven, by Christ, upon all those that made him their Lord. Aman means certainty. Certain means determined, fixed, settled; not variable or fluctuating; unfailing; sure, unerring, not liable to fail. The faith, this article is addressing, means more than trust, but rather a certainty that what was promised absolutely will appear. We have a certainty that the sun will appear each day, so much so, we would bet our life's savings on it's reappearance. Our certainty of the sun arising each day is used as an example of the certainty we should have on the promises of Yahweh coming to pass in our lives. We are confident, fixed and settled on that what he has promised, which we presently do not see, will absolutely come to pass. This faith is the confidence to think, speak and act on the words of Yahweh, although these words may appear to be contrary to natural laws. It's believing in what is not presently seen but promised by Yahweh. The manifestation of this absolute certainty appeared when Yahoshua and Peter were walking upon the water. The beginning of unbelief arising in the thoughts of Peter was also manifested by him beginning to sink. Doubt is uncertainty. Our preparatory future actions line up exactly with what Yahweh has promised us. We are never surprised or amazed that the sun has reappeared but we are always thankful. Likewise, if we actually believe Yahweh's promises, we will never be surprised or amazed when they come into fruition, but we are always thankful. Being surprised or amazed is an indicator that we did not believe; we were not certain. The term, 'leap of faith,' is a misnomer because acting on Yahweh's words is a leap of certainty, which is no leap at all. Actions of certainty will always follow one who actually believes Yahweh's promises. The order of this event called faith is as follows; first, one acknowledges the promise of Yahweh; secondly, one receives the presently, unseen promise, giving thanks; thirdly, one prepares for the appearing (manifestation) of the promise. Throughout this article, I will substitute the word, believing, for the word, faith, because the word, faith, can mean many different things to different people. When I use the word, 'believing,' rather than faith, it goes without saying that full bodily action upon what a person believes is exhibited, otherwise they do not believe. James 2:14-18 illustrates this truth by saying, "What profit, my brethren,—if one should be saying he hath, believing, but hath not, works; can his believing save him? If, a brother or sister, should be naked, and coming short of the daily food, And one from among you should say unto them—Withdraw in peace, be getting warmed and fed, but should not give them the things needful for the body, What the profit? So, also, believing, if it have not works, is dead, by itself. But one will say,—Thou, hast believing, and, I, have works, show me thy believing apart from thy works, and, I, unto thee, will shew, by my works, my believing." Hebrew 11:6 states, "But, apart from faith [pistis (noun)], it is impossible to be well-pleasing; for he that approacheth unto Yahweh—must believe [pisteuo (verb)], that he is, and that, to them who seek him out, a rewarder he becometh." We are called, believers, because we believe in and obey the words of the unseen Creator, Yahweh! Some people believe Yahweh's words on receiving salvation, which they act upon and receive but doubt other revelations, such as the promises that result from financially giving (tithing). (For more information on giving and receiving, read the article, 'Money in the life of the Believer;' Teleios Book, Vol. 1.) Others act upon Yahweh's words concerning giving financially and they receive the promises but they doubt Yahweh's words concerning speaking in tongues. Others believe the words of Yahweh concerning speaking in tongues and prophesying and receive the promises but they do not arise to the fullness of believing Yahweh's words on healing the sick, rebuking storms, etc. Others believe all of these promises and more, such as did Stephen and Phillip, men who were not Apostles, but who rather were men who believed what Yahweh spoke and with an assurity that what Yahweh promised would come to pass, acted accordingly; Stephen began doing "...great wonders and signs among the people (Acts 6:8) and Phillip went "...down unto the city of Samaria, proclaimed unto them the Christ. And the multitudes began to give heed unto the things that were being spoken by Philip, with one accord, when they heard him, and saw the signs which he was working. For, from many who had impure spirits, shouting with a loud voice, they were going out, and, many that were paralysed and lame, were cured. And there came to be great joy in that city" (Acts 8:5-8). Nicodemus and Joseph from Arimathaea were believers in Christ, who were well-pleasing to Yahweh because they believed but it appears that they did not rise in their believing to the degree that Stephen and Phillip did. This article's intention is not to judge people but rather to encourage people to believe and act upon more of the promises of Yahweh, thereby bringing deliverance to themselves, to the Body of the Christ and to the world, bringing more Glory to Yahweh and Christ, as is what occurred when Stephen and Phillip believed. We must realize that there is spiritual work to be done, which can not be accomplished in the natural realm. Christ, as the Head of the Body, is limited by our lack of believing and/or fear; we being his hands, feet and mouth. Stephen and Phillip were our examples of how Christ's Body should operate, which is why two chapters of the Word of Yahweh detailed their service to Christ. Our under-performance to Christ might be attributed to ignorance, wrong teaching, fear, apathy and/or unbelief. My purpose is to enlighten, which takes care of ignorance; correct, which handles wrong teaching and encourage, which deals with fear and apathy, which leaves behind, unbelief. Unbelief A Note concerning Hebrews 11 Also, we must not confuse faith with hope. Hope is the expectation for something desired. For example, it was said of Abraham, "...he was awaiting the city having foundations, whose architect and builder is, Yahweh" (Heb. 11:10). Our hope is for the awakening of the dead, receiving life age-abiding and to live with our Father and Lord upon the new earth (Tit. 1:2, Acts 23:6). We believe these truths and set our hope upon them. These promises are not presently available for our taking, which means we need hope but there are promises that are presently available, in which we do not need hope, but rather believing, because they can come into fruition today, such as health, prosperity, speaking in tongues etc. Hebrews 11 illustrates faith (power), endurance, and hope: faith (By faith, the walls of Jericho, fell, having been surrounded for seven days); endurance (Others, again, of mockings and scourgings, received trial, nay! further, of bonds and imprisonments); hope (Yahoshua,—who, in consideration of the joy lying before him, endured a cross, shame, despising!)) Faith In the NKJV of the Bible, the translators used the word, faith, 247 times; 2 times in the Old Testament and 245 times in the New Testament; the Greek noun, pistis, being translated faith in the New Testament. This occurs also in the NASB Bible; 252 usages of faith in their translation, only 4 usages being in the Old Testament. The eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews, the chapter dealing with the faith of the Old Testament believers, uses the noun, faith, 32 times but this term is not used in the Hebrew Old Testament concerning these same believers. What are we to make of this apparent disconnection between the Hebrew language of the Old Testament and Greek language of the New Testament? This disconnection between the two languages is not uncommon. The name, Yahweh, used over 6,800 times in the Old Testament, is never used in the New Testament but rather it was replaced with the Greek words, Theos (God) and Kurios (Lord). Yahweh is present in the Greek New Testament but not as Yahweh, so it is with aman (believe) that is represented by the Greek verb, pisteuo, translated as believe. The Old Testament uses the Hebrew verb, aman, (believe) as was illustrated in Genesis 15:6 (Abraham had faith in Yahweh), while the New Testament uses the verb, pisteuo, (believe) to represent, aman, in Romans 4:3, Galatians 3:6 and James 2:23 (Abraham believed in Yahweh). A verb typically expresses action, state, or a relation between two things. Aman (believe), in the Hiphil stem, is an action verb. In this article, I will be speaking of aman, in the context of dealing with the unseen, believing in the words of the Creator that defy what we perceive as natural. This context of believing is not asking us to believe that the sun will rise each day nor that planting a seed will produce a plant but rather is asking us to step through the natural world (seen world) and into, what science would call, the world of the impossible (unseen world). Peter operated this kind of believing when he walked upon the water and when he told a dead person to arise, both requiring action upon his part. Different Levels of Believing in the Words of Yahweh The second level of believing, exhibited by Abraham, was when Yahweh said, "...take, I pray thee, thy son, thine only one, whom thou lovest, even, Isaac, and get thee into the land of Moriah,—and cause him to ascend there, as an ascending-sacrifice, on one of the mountains, which I shall name unto thee" (Gen. 22:2). This level of believing is more difficult than the first. Yahweh had promised Abraham that he would make of Isaac a great nation. Isaac had no children and if he died, this promise would be void, unless Yahweh raised (awoke) Isaac from among the dead; "By faith, Abraham, when tested, offered up Isaac, and, the only-begotten, would he have offered up, who the promises had accepted,—Even him of whom it had been said—In Isaac, shall there be called to thee, a seed: Accounting that, even from among the dead, Yahweh, was able, to egeiro [awaken] him, -whence, even in similitude, he bare him away (Heb. 11:17-19). Abraham believed and obeyed the words of Yahweh by being absolutely confident that Yahweh would bring him back to life after he sacrificed him. The third level of Abraham's and Sarah's believing was believing in the impossible. Believing Yahweh by leaving your family and the security of a city is difficult but not impossible. Believing him to sacrifice your only son and seeing him raised (awoken) from among the dead is extremely difficult. Asking a barren, ninety year old woman and a one-hundred year old man to produce a child is not asking them to do something extremely difficult but rather it is asking them to do the impossible; the term difficult does not apply! Christ, the seed of Abraham and Sarah, walked in this third level of believing although it appears that Abraham and Sarah were the first. It is said of Abraham, "Who, past hope, upon hope believed, so that he became father of many nations,—according to what had been said—So shall be thy seed; — And, without becoming weak in his believing, he attentively considered his own body, already deadened—he being a hundred years old, the deadening also of Sarah’s womb; In respect, however, of the promise of Yahweh, he was not led to hesitate by unbelief, but received power by his believing, giving glory unto Yahweh" (Rm. 4:17-20). It is said of Sarah, "By believing, even Sarah herself, received power for founding a seed, even beyond the season of life’s prime,—seeing that, faithful, she reckoned, him that had promised" (Heb. 11:11). It was said of Abram, "And he had aman [faith] in Yahweh,—so he [Yahweh] reckoned it to him, as righteousness" (Gen. 15:6). What was Abram actually believing in? He was believing in the words that were spoken to him by Yahweh; a message that appeared to be impossible in the natural realm. What made this message different is that it came from the Creator of all things; a Creator, who is not bound by natural laws (seen world); one who speaks matter into existence. The message was, "...This one, shall not be thine heir; But, one who cometh forth of thy body—he, shall be thine heir. And he brought him forth abroad, and said—Look steadfastly, I pray thee, towards the heavens, and number the stars, if thou be able to number, them, And he said to him, Thus, shall be thy seed" (Gen. 15:4-5). Abram was not asked to believe in Yahweh's existence, which he already did, but rather to believe for Sarai's reproductive organs (and possibly his) to be regenerated, enabling them to produce a child, which, in the past, had been impossible for them. Abram fastened onto Yahweh's words of promise (unseen world) rather than upon natural laws (seen world) and past experiences. We are told that Sarai was barren. (At the time Abram received this revelation he was not infertile which was illustrated by him producing Ishmael.) What then was Yahweh asking them to do? They were to keep having sexual intercourse, which they did for approximately the next twenty-five years before Sarah fully believed the words of Yahweh; "By faith [believing the promise of Yahweh made to her], even Sarah herself, received power for founding a seed, even beyond the season of life’s prime,—seeing that, faithful, she reckoned, him that had promised" (Heb. 11:11). Yahweh came and spoke his words of promise directly to Sarah, who had already gone through menopause, by saying, "...As to Sarah thy wife. … And he said, Lo! she is in the tent. And he [Yahweh] said, I will, surely return, unto thee, at the quickening season,—and lo! a son, for Sarah thy wife. Now, Sarah, was hearkening at the opening of the tent, it, being behind him...So then Sarah laughed within herself, saying: After I am past age, hath there come to me pleasure, my lord, also being old? And Yahweh said unto Abraham,—Wherefore, now, did Sarah laugh, saying, Can it really and truly be that I should bear, seeing that, I, have become old? Is anything, too wonderful for Yahweh? At the appointed time, I will return unto thee, at the quickening season, and, Sarah, shall have a son" (Gen. 18:9-14). Abram, although he was not infertile when he received this promise of Yahweh at age seventy-five, very possibly became infertile at age ninety-nine because Romans 4:20 declares, "Who, past hope, upon hope believed, so that he became father of many nations,—according to what had been said—So shall be thy seed; —And, without becoming weak in his believing, he attentively considered his own body, already deadened—he being a hundred years old, the deadening also of Sarah’s womb; In respect, however, of the promise of Yahweh, he was not led to hesitate by unbelief, but received power by his believing, giving glory unto Yahweh, And being fully persuaded (that), -what he hath promised, able is he also to perform" (Rm. 4:18-21). This story is about two people who never gave up on the promise that came to them from the mouth of Yahweh, as neither should we, even though the world could mock us and science deceive us. They both received a power, which is not of this world, by their believing in Yahweh's words. Yahweh's Unseen Power for His Children There are three powers (koachs) that I will discuss; Yahweh's power which created the Universe; Yahweh's power that has been given to his servants and children (unbelievers do not have this power) and the natural power that has been given to all mankind. I will be discussing Yahweh's power that has been given to his servants and children. This is the power that the unbelievers can and have witnessed. This power is exhibited when a righteous believer hears the promise and then acts upon the promise spoken in the Word of Yahweh. For example, the Word of Yahweh, in Leviticus 26:7-8 states a promise; "But you will chase your enemies and they will fall before you by the sword; five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall before you by the sword." Joshua 23:10, reiterates this promise by saying, "One man of you, can chase a thousand,—for, Yahweh your Elohim, is he that fighteth for you, as he spake to you." This power is not natural. This promise was believed and acted upon by Shamgar, son of Anath, Sampson, Saul, David and Adino the Eznite. At least three of these believers had received the ruah (power) of Yahweh before they became mighty. In the Hebrew Old Testament, the power ('koach' (ko’- akh)) of Yahweh for his servants takes it's development, beginning with Moses. Moses proclaims, "Thy right hand, O Yahweh, is splendid in power [koach],—Thy right hand, O Yahweh, dasheth in pieces a foe" (Ex. 15:6). We are also told that his power has been given to his servants; "and lest thou shouldest say in thy heart,—Mine own strength [koach] and the might of mine own hand, have gotten me this wealth. But thou shalt remember Yahweh thy Elohim, that it was, he, who had been giving thee strength [koach] to get wealth,—that so he might establish his covenant which he sware to thy fathers (as at this day)" (Deu. 8:17-18). Sampson's great power came from the ruah of Yahweh that was upon him. Oz (oze) is another Hebrew word that expresses power. Yahweh bestows strength on men: the king; "...That he may give strength [oz] to his King, And exalt the horn of his Anointed One" (1Sa 2:10 ); his people; "As for the El of Israel, he, is giving strength [oz] and abundant might [ta‘atsumah] to the people. Blessed be Elohim" (Ps 68:35); and on Zion; "Awake, awake, Put on thy strength [oz], O Zion,—Put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem—thou holy, city, For there shall not again, come into thee any more, the uncircumcised and unclean" (Isa 52:1). But not only is strength a quality given by Yahweh, he himself is that strength. Frequently the personal possessive pronouns are attached to strength in the Psalms to show this; "Yahweh, is my strength [oz] and my shield, In him, hath trusted my heart, and I have found help,—Therefore hath my heart danced for joy, and, with my song, do I praise him" (Ps 28:7). In seeking his presence, strength is found; "Search out Yahweh and his strength [oz], Seek diligently his face at all times" (Ps 105:4). Yahweh exercises this strength on behalf of his people against their foes. This is particularly well illustrated in the Exodus; "Thou hast led forth in thy lovingkindness, the people which thou hast redeemed,—Thou hast guided them in thy might [oz], into the home of thy holiness" (Ex 15:13). In the Greek New Testament, the foundation of power begins with the verb, dunamai, which means 'being able,' to be capable, strong and powerful. From the verb, dunamai, we receive the noun, dunamis, which means strength power, ability and we also receive the adjectives, dunatos, which means able, powerful, mighty, strong, which we translate as 'possible,' and adunatos (a-dunatos), which means without strength, impotent, powerless, weakly, disabled, which we translate as, 'impossible.' Examples of the verb, dunamai and the noun, dunamis being in the same sentence is in Mark 6:5; "and he could [dunamai] not, there, do so much as a single mighty work [dunamis],—save, on a few sick, he laid his hands and cured them," and Ephesians 3:20; "Now, unto him [Yahweh] who is able [dunamai] to do, above all things, exceeding abundantly above the things which we ask or conceive,—according to the power [dunamis] which doth energise itself within us." Mark 9:23 uses the verb, dunamai and the adjective, dunatos together; "And Yahoshua said unto him, If thou canst [dunamai]! All things are possible [dunatos] to him that believeth. Matthew 19:26 uses both adjectives together; "And, looking intently, Yahoshua said unto them—With men, this is, impossible [adunatos], but, with Yahweh, all things are possible [dunatos]," as also does Romans 15:1; "We are bound, however, we, who are strong [dunatos], the weakness of them who are not strong [adunatos] to be bearing, and not, unto ourselves, to give pleasure." Unleashing the Power through Believing Yahoshua demonstrated this power after he received the ruah of Yahweh, turning water into wine, healing the sick, rebuking storms and awaking the dead, to name just a few of the many manifestations of this power. He then gave this power to the twelve and then the seventy-two, who did likewise because they believed his words, which were the Father's words. He instructed his disciples, "Verily, verily, I say unto you—He that believeth on me, the works which, I, am doing, he also, shall do; and, greater than these, shall he do, because, I, unto the Father, am going,—And because, whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, the same, will I do, that, the Father, may be glorified, in the Son: If anything ye shall ask in my name, the same, will I do" (Jn. 14:12-14). Activating the Power Yahoshua, the image of Yahweh, demonstrated that he had the faith of Yahweh or Yahweh's believing, when he, at two different times, cursed a fig tree, resulting in its demise. He did this to teach his students, which includes us, what is possible when one believes the promises of Yahweh. He told them in Mark 11:22, "Have the faith of Yahweh," or Yahweh's faith. The majority of the Christian world can not believe this statement so they have changed this verse to, "Have faith in God," which is an another example of their unbelief. Yahweh told the children of Israel that they could conquer the land of Canaan, but the ten spies could not believe these words of Yahweh and changed them to fit their natural world, just as many Bible translators, pastors, teachers, etc. have also done to Mark 11:22; all of which are manifestations of their unbelief. (For more information, read, 'Speak unto the Mountain,' in Teleios Vol. 1.) By doing so, they have also thrown out 1 Corinthians 13:2, which confirms what was promised in Matthew and Mark, by reiterating, "...and though I have all faith, so as to be removing mountains..." Unbelief will always deactivate spiritual power. Building a Reciprocating Relationship Building a reciprocating relationship of trust with Yahweh and Christ takes time and effort. Yahoshua had a reciprocating relationship with his Father because he sought one. He daily communicated with his Father. To those who are new to this field of study, I will give you some exercises that will help you build a reciprocating relationship with Yahweh and Christ. Reciprocating means an alternating backward and forward motion. Marriage was designed to be a reciprocating relationship; giving and then receiving; speaking and then listening. The majority of Christians do have a relationship with Yahweh and Christ but it is not a reciprocating relationship. When they communicate with them, usually by prayer, they do not expect to receive a reply. In radio terminology, they are transmitting (broadcasting) but not receiving. If you ask them how many times a week do you receive communications from Yahweh, they will probably say, Never. Ignorance, wrong teaching and unbelief are usually the causes of their problem. We should be receiving daily communications from Christ because we are his servants, who need instructions from our Boss. We must have our receiver on, expecting messages each day. Yahweh and Christ can communicate to us in many ways, first and foremost is the written Word of Yahweh. Another method is through our desires. Communications are given to us through the godly desires resident in our hearts. Christ abides and lives within us. He is our Head, our Boss, who is running an active business. We, as employees, must have instruction in order to perform our duties. If Christ is our Lord (Master) then we have chosen to be his servant, doing his will and not our own. Our Lord, who lives within us, directs our steps by the godly desires he has placed within us. These desires become our ambitions; the tasks that he has given us to perform. We are to pursue and accomplish these desires unless he communicates otherwise. We must prove his promises in order to receive confidence in what Yahweh has written. For example, Malachi 3:10 states, "Bring ye all the tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, Yea, I pray you, put me to the proof hereby, saith Yahweh of hosts, whether I will not open to you the sluices of the heavens, and pour out for you blessing, until there be no room." Giving financially, as Yahweh has directed, and expecting to receive from him is believing a promise of Yahweh. This practice builds confidence and is a reciprocal relationship; giving and receiving which builds trust. Prophesying is another example of proving a promise of Yahweh. (Read the articles, 'Speaking in Tongues,' and 'Be Zealous to Prophecy,' in the Teleios Book Vol. 1.) Prophesying builds a confidence, a trust in Yahweh that he will always be there for you. He promises us, if we will speak, he will give us the words that build up members of the Body of the Christ, which he delivers. We must be expecting to receive words of knowledge, words of wisdom and discerning of spirits. The final steps, which are more difficult, but always available are operating gifts of healings, energies of mighty works (powers) and faith. These are the nine power instruments that we receive when we receive the ruah of Yahweh.
(For footnotes, see PDF version)
(When quoting scriptures, from the Rotherham Emphasized Bible New Testament, I will substitute the Hebrew words
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