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This would remedy our present worldly wickedness performed by the courts today. As we will see, divorce is ordered by Yahweh to be performed by wise believers. The injustice performed on men by our courts in the case of divorce is causing men to cohabitate with women rather than to enter the institution of marriage. Christian marriage and divorce can be greatly improved if we follow our guiding Light, the Word of Life. Marriage Promises which are vague and imprecise make a terrible covenant between two parties. We thoroughly examine the warranties on our vehicles, houses and appliances, which are not vague or imprecise. If they were, we would not purchase the product. Today's Christian marriage vows are ambiguous. A common marriage vow is as follows: "I, (Bride/Groom), take you (Groom/Bride), to be my (wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." How can an outside party, who is there to counsel a couple, evaluate whether an individual is honoring their vows. The above vows represent feelings and emotions, rather than words of commitment to perform specific tasks, as a covenant should read. Yahweh's covenant with Abram was very specific. Abram would be given the land from the river of Egypt to the river Euphrates. His seed would be multiplied exceedingly and he would become a father of a multitude of nations. This covenant would be passed on to his son Isaac.FN3 Abram's covenant with Yahweh was also very specific. He was to follow the instruction of Yahweh. One of these instructions being to circumcise every male.FN4 A Christian couple entering into the covenant of marriage, needs to spell out, exactly what they are promising each other, in the presence of witnesses. The husbands covenant is going to be different than that of the wife because their roles are different in marriage. The witnesses are there to confirm the promises they hear, thereby, if necessary, confronting a party who is not fulfilling their covenant. For example, the husband, in his covenant to his wife, should promise to give his wife authority over his body to be used to please her, according to 1 Corinthians chapter seven.FN5 He also should promise not to abstain from giving his body to her except with her consent.FN6 These promises should be in the marriage covenant, and should be heard by witnesses and signed by both parties. If individuals do not want to be held to these promises then they should not enter into a marriage covenant. (See the Appendix for an example of a Marriage Covenant.) King Josiah is an example of a man who solemnized a covenant to Yahweh and the people of Judah; "Then the king sent,––and gathered together all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem. And the king went up to the house of Yahweh––and all the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem––and the priests and the Levites, and all the people, from the great even unto the small,––and he read in their ears, all the words of the book of the covenant, which had been found in the house of Yahweh. And the king stood in his place, and solemnized the covenant before Yahweh, to walk after Yahweh, and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes, with all his heart and with all his soul,––to perform the words of the covenant that are written in this book" (2 Ch. 34:29-31). King Josiah kept his covenant with Yahweh and Yahweh kept His covenant with Josiah. This resulted in blessings being poured out upon him and the believers in Judah. If the covenant is specific regarding individual performance of promises, then a breaking of the covenant can be verified by witnesses or counselors. Pastors can read the covenants and ask each individual, if they are breaking the covenant. For example, if one party is withholding sexual intercourse then they are in sin according to the scriptures. If one party leaves the marriage, even though the other party has kept their covenant, then the former has broken the covenant and is in sin. These promises should be part of all marriage covenants. Here in the United States we live in a country that has no fault divorce. Neither party is accountable. This is absolutely wrong. A person who has fulfilled their covenant should not be slandered with the 'No Fault' concepts but they should be congratulated for keeping their covenant. Divorce We must acknowledge that unjust laws exist in our society. In the majority of cases, men are automatically discriminated against in our courts when dealing with divorce, child custody and support. Christians should not participate in unjust laws that enable individuals to confiscate the property of others, even though legal. (Confiscation is defined as, "To appropriate (private property) to the sovereign or the public treasury by way of penalty; To take away by exercise of authority from the individual (what belongs to him); To deprive (a person) of his property as forfeited to the State.) This is what happens when divorce is implemented in our courts. The wickedness of the world is incorporated in these courts. Slavery, prostitution, sodomy, murder (partial birth abortions) and confiscating the property of others, to name a few vices, were or are very legal in the United States. These unjust laws instituted by wicked law makers make it legal for Christians to do wickedness. For example, Hitler had laws made that allowed the confiscation of the property of the Jews. This was all legal according to the courts! These unrighteous laws tempt Christians into the lusts of the flesh. Under the guise of child support, the courts confiscate the father's property and give it to the mother. What determines the amount the courts confiscate is not what a child needs but rather, how much income the father has. The more income the father has the more they confiscate and give to the mother, under the guise of it being for the benefit of the child. This wickedness results in the mother breaking the tenth commandment legally; thou shall not covet.FN10 Bitterness and resentment against the mother engulfs the father because of this injustice. This injustice will now occur for eighteen years. The mother may delight in this injustice coming against her ex-spouse, saying, "He deserves it." The child, who is being raised under these spiteful conditions, is all the while observing this strife, envy and jealousy between his parents. As the child ages he learns that if you are a male you will be punished by the courts in divorce and if you are a female, you will be rewarded. Injustice is used by our adversary to drive a wedge between two Christians who divorce. Anyone who has been treated unjustly has experienced this wedge of evil. The laws of the United States and other nations are legal but not necessarily just. What is referred to as the Department of Justice is inaccurate. Rather is should be called the Legal Department. Justice means, "the quality of being (morally) just or righteous." Legal means, "of or pertaining to law." The confiscation of property happens throughout society and is done so, under the guise of it being, 'legal.' For an example, a rich man who has worked hard for his money has it confiscated, by a government, and given to a vagrant who refuses to work, also known as welfare. This action is legal but unjust according to the Word of Yahweh.FN11 Unequal taxation is the confiscation of property. Yahweh's Word is our guide to justice and righteousness, not the courts and laws of men. Yahweh required the poor as well as the rich, to give ten percent of their abundance. This should be our tax rule today. Yahweh was not adversarial towards the wealthy nor did He penalize them as our society does today. The tax percentage should not be higher for someone who is wealthier. In many cases, a male makes more money that a female. Yahweh does not require money to be taken from an ex-husband and given to an ex-wife under the guise of child support because he makes more money than she does! This is the philosophy of communism, which is contrary to Yahweh's Word and is wickedness. Yahweh did not require males to give money to females because they were females but rather Yahweh required the owner of crops not to glean the fields, thereby allowing those who were less fortunate to come and collect what was left on the ground.FN12 These individuals as well as all individuals were required to work for their food. Throughout the history of man, men of the world, covet the property of others. Wars, taxation, divorce, law suits and robbery all have one thing in common; the confiscation of someone else's property. Christians have been corrupted by this lust when it has been legalized, which somehow makes it just in their eyes and the eyes of their friends. Olive Beech, the founder of Beech Aircraft, had the Federal Government and the Kansas Government, confiscate $72,000,000 worth of property from her. Why? Because she died. This is an example of the corrupt death tax also known as the estate and inheritance tax. Was it legal? Yes. Do I want any part of this money? Absolutely not! This is blood money. Let us now look at law suits. The tobacco industry had a warning on their cigarettes for many years; buyer beware. Did the tobacco industry break a law? NO! Did they harm someone? NO! (A snow skier who runs into a tree and dies cannot say the State of Colorado harmed him by allowing him to ski.) The buyer wanted tobacco and they were warned of the risk. The lawyers and the courts coveted the tobacco industries money, thereby corrupting the States to join them, by promising them, that they would receive part of the spoils. This is no different than when Vikings made alliances with other warring tribes to attach and divide the plunder of a prosperous civilization. The States, by joining wicked lawyers, will now receive $206 billion of plunder from the tobacco industry over the next twenty-five years.FN13 This was the rape and pillaging of an industry. This also is blood money. Our next example will be a divorce. Heather Mills was married to Paul McCartney, one of the Beatles, for four years. A divorce should have meant that they both go their separate ways but this was not the case. The unjust courts and laws would confiscate, from Paul, $48,000,000 and give it to her and her attorneys! This is a case of rape and pillaging an individual. Would you call this, Justice or Wickedness? Paul McCartney has learned a valuable lesson as have many men and that is, 'to never marry.' Avoiding Marriage to Avoid Divorce Justice in Accidental Pregnancies Christian marriages can again be founded on a firm foundation, which is the Word of Yahweh. We have been called saints, which means, holy ones, which means, we have removed ourselves from the world, even though we live in it. Specific covenants must be part of marriage. When a party repeatedly breaks their covenant, wise believers must approach the brother or sister in order that they may be restored.FN16 The Christian Church must take back its position as the justice system for the believers by utilizing its authority given to it by Yahweh. Believers who are married in the Church should also agree by covenant that they will decide their differences before wise believers and not the unbeliever. Believers who refuse this system and choose the world system should be separated from the Church, as recorded in the scriptures.FN17 We must choose Yahweh over riches; "No one, unto two masters, can be in service; for either, the one, he will hate, and, the other, love, or, one, he will hold to, and, the other, despise: Ye cannot be in service, unto Yahweh, and, unto Riches" (Mt. 6:24). Appendix Marriage Covenant (Husband) My Promise to You is that I will: Be loving You, even as, the Christ also, loved the body, and delivered, himself, up in her behalf, That, her, he might sanctify, having purified her with the bath of water, in declaration, That, he, might present, unto himself, the body, all glorious, not having spot or wrinkle or any of such things, but that she should be holy and blameless; So, will I be loving You, as my own body,––he that loves his own wife, loves himself, No one, in fact, ever yet hated, his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it,––even as, the Christ, the body, Because, members, are we of his body; –– For this cause, will I leave my father and my mother, and will cleave unto You, my body, and, we two, shall become, one flesh. This sacred secret, is, great,––I, however, am speaking as to Christ and the body; –I will love You, as myself.FN19 Give You authority over my body to be used to please you according to 1 Corinthians chapter 7.FN20 Submit myself to You in the reverence of Christ.FN21 Be nourishing our children in the discipline and admonition of the Lord.FN22 They will honor you. Not go to the unbeliever if we have problems but rather I will choose the counsel of wise believers who shall be able to judge our problems wisely according to our Father's Word and not according to the traditions of men.FN23 Not leave You according to our Father's WordFN24 but will nourish You and cherish You even as Christ does to his body. Leave my father and mother and other family members. If it comes to choosing between you and my family, I will choose you. Not place our child (children) above you. If it comes to choosing between you and our child (children), I will choose you. I solemnize this covenant before Yahweh, to walk after Yahweh, and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes, with all of my heart and with all of my soul,––to perform the words of this covenant that are written in His book.FN25 X______________________ ____________ (Wife)My Promise to You is that I will: Be loving and reverencing You as unto Christ. In our union, as husband and wife, I am the body and you are the head. I will submit myself unto You as unto the Lord, as you will deliver yourself up on my behalf that you may present me, your body, as glorious, holy and blameless. As my head, I will submit myself unto you as unto Christ. I will leave my father and my mother and cleave unto You. We two shall become One.FN27 Give You authority over my body to be used to please you according to 1 Corinthians chapter 7.FN28 Be a lover of our children by rearing them according to our Father's Word. Make our children be obedient unto you as to the Lord. They will honor you.FN29 Not go to the unbeliever if we have problems but rather I will choose the counsel of wise believers who shall be able to judge our problems wisely according to our Father's Word and not according to the traditions of men.FN30 Not leave You according to our Father's WordFN31 but be loving You and reverencing You as Christ does to his body. Leave my father and mother and other family members. If it comes to choosing between you and my family, I will choose you. Not place our child (children) above you. If it comes to choosing between you and our child (children), I will choose you. I solemnize this covenant before Yahweh, to walk after Yahweh, and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes, with all of my heart and with all of my soul,––to perform the words of this covenant that are written in His book.FN32
X_______________________ __________ FN1 Concise Bible Dictionary FN2 For this cause, will a man leave his father, and his mother,––and cleave unto his wife, and they shall become one flesh (Gen. 2:24). FN3 Ge 15:18 In that day, did Yahweh solemnise with Abram a covenant, saying,––To thy seed, have I given this land, from the river of Egypt, as far as the great river––the river Euphrates: FN4 Ge 17:10 This, is my covenant, which ye shall keep, betwixt me and you, and thy seed after thee,––To circumcise to you, every male: FN5 Unto the wife, let the husband render what is her due, and, in like manner, the wife also, unto the husband,–– The wife, over her own body, hath not authority, but the husband, and, in like manner, the husband also, over his own body, hath not authority, but the wife (1 Cor. 7:3-4). FN6 Be not depriving one another––unless perhaps by consent for a season, that ye may have leisure for prayer, and, again, may be together,––lest Satan be tempting you by reason of your want of self–control (1 Cor. 7:5). FN7 Mt 19:9 And I say unto you––Whosoever shall divorce his wife, saving for unfaithfulness, and shall marry another, committeth adultery. FN8 But, if, the unbelieving, departeth, let him depart: the brother or the sister hath not come into bondage, in such cases, but, in peace, hath Yahweh called us (1 Cor. 7:15). FN9 Jer 9:24 But, in this, let the glorying one glory––In having intelligence, and in knowing, me, That, I, am Yahweh, Executing lovingkindness, justice, and righteousness in the earth,––That, in these things, I delight, Declareth Yahweh FN10 Thou shalt not covet, thy neighbour's house,––thou shalt not covet, thy neighbour's wife, nor his servant, nor his handmaid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything which belongeth unto thy neighbour (Ex. 20:17). FN11 2Th 3:8 Nor, as a free–gift, did eat, bread, from anyone, but, with toil and hardship, night and day, working,––that we might not burden any of you; –– FN12 De 24:20 When thou beatest thine olive–tree, thou shalt not glean after thee,––to the sojourner, to the fatherless, and to the widow, shall it belong. FN13 http://academic.udayton.edu/health/syllabi/tobacco/summary.htm#Glance FN14 The act of taking anything by force; violent seizure (of goods), robbery. OED FN15 When a man findeth a damsel that is a virgin who is not betrothed, and layeth hold of her, and lieth with her, and they are found, then shall the man who lay with her give unto the damsel's father, fifty shekels of silver,––and she shall be, his, wife, because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away, all his days (De. 22:28-29). FN16 But, if thy brother sin, withdraw, convince him, betwixt thee and him, alone,––If unto thee he hearken, thou hast gained thy brother; But, if he do not hearken, take with thee, yet one or two, that, at the mouth of two witnesses or three, every declaration, maybe established; But, if he hear them amiss, tell it to the assembly,––And, if, even the assembly, he hear amiss, Let him be unto thee, just as the man of the nations and the tax–collector (Mt. 18:15-17). Brethren! if a man should even be overtaken in any fault, ye, the spiritual, be restoring such a one, in a spirit of meekness, looking to thyself, lest, even thou, be put to the test (Gal. 6:1). FN17 I wrote unto you in my letter––not to be mixing yourselves up with fornicators; –– Not at all, meaning the fornicators of this world, or the covetous and extortioners, or idolaters,––else had ye been obliged, in that case, to go out of the world! But, now, I have written unto you not to be mixing yourselves up,––if anyone named a brother, be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such a one as this, not so much, as to be eating together, For what have I to do to be judging them who are without? Do, ye, not judge, them who are within, Whereas, them who are without, God, judgeth? Remove ye the wicked man from among, yourselves (1 Cor. 5:9-13). FN18 Deut. 6:5, Jn. 14:15, 21, 23-24, 31 FN19 Eph. 5:25-33, Gen. 2:24 FN20 1 Cor. 7:3-5 FN21 Eph. 5:21 FN22 Eph. 6:4 FN23 1 Cor. 6:1-8 FN24 1 Cor. 7:11, Mt. 19:9 FN25 2 Chr. 34:31 FN26 Deut. 6:5, Jn. 14:15, 21, 23-24, 31 FN27 Gen. 2:24 FN28 1 Cor. 7:3-5 FN29 Eph. 6:1-2 FN30 1 Cor. 6:1-8 FN31 1 Cor. 7:10, Mt. 19:9 FN32 2 Chr. 34:31 (*When quoting scriptures, from the Rotherham Emphasized Bible New Testament, I will substitute the Hebrew word Yahshua for Jesus, Yahweh and Elohim for God and the LORD and Anointed for Christ.) |
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