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(Clothed with Power from on High) Through time, the Body of the Christ lost certain key revelations revealed in our Father's Word:FN1 1.) Justification on the principle of faith, which was rediscovered by Martin Luther in the 1510's. 2.) The great sacred secret was rediscovered by E. W. Bullinger in the 1890's. 3.) I Corinthians 14, which deals with speaking in tongues and prophesying (the manifestation of the holy spirit) was believed and acted upon by Edward Irving's congregation in Scotland, in 1830. FN2 Yahweh's spirit, also known as the 'spirit of Yahweh,' was poured out on prophets, kings, priests, judges and others in the Old Covenant. Yahshua also poured out the free gift of holy spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:33, 38). The manifestation of this gift entails nine operations: tongues, tongues with interpretation, prophesy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning of spirits, faith, energizing of powers, and healings (I Cor. 12: 7-10). People have mistakenly called these, 'the gifts of the Spirit.' We will see that the nine operations listed above are not 'gifts' but are manifestations of a gift; the gift being the spirit of Yahweh also known as spirit and holy spirit. In the scriptures, spirit is synonymous with power; FN3 "but ye shall receive power when the holy spirit cometh upon you…" (Acts 1:8). If the Church is not manifesting power it is because it is not manifesting the spirit! All Christians (people who confess and believe Romans 10:9) have received the gift of spirit and are commanded by our Father to manifest or operate the nine operations of the gift, in order that the Body of the Christ be edified. FN4 By manifesting our gift of spirit, power is released thereby glorifying our Father and our Lord. FN5 Speaking in tongues was the evidence or proof that people received the gift of spirit in Acts chapter two and chapter ten. The Hebrew word, 'ruah,' also spelled as, 'ruwach,' means wind and or breath. Ruah is related to the vowel root 'ruh,' which means, 'to breathe.' FN6 The basic idea of ruah is 'air in motion,' which denotes 'power,' that signifies 'activity and life.' Also ruah has an association with the invisible as illustrated by the invisible wind and man's breath. We can not see the breath or the wind but we can witness their manifestations of power as by watching a ship sail or a man blowing out a candle. Ruah is translated, 'spirit' over 50% of the time in the Old Testament. The word spirit comes from the Latin word, 'spirare,' meaning 'to breath' from which we have the words: exspirare (expire) to breathe out; conspirare (conspire) to breathe together; inspirare (inspire) to breathe in; perspirare (perspire) to breathe through; respirare (respire) to breathe back; transpirare (transpire) to breathe across or over; adspirare (aspire) to breathe towards or upon. FN7 We err if we hear the word spirit, a translation of ruah or pneuma and do not immediately associate it with the breath of Yahweh or air in motion. The Greek word pneuma, in the New Testament, is in the majority of the time translated, 'spirit.' Pneuma or spirit is synonymous with breath or air in motion. We derive our words, pneumatic, as in air powered tools and pneumonia, as an inflammation of the lungs, from pneuma. Our word, 'spirit,' as used in the Christian Church, has devolved from its original meaning, which is, "breathing, breath, air, etc., related to spirare to breathe" FN8 to, 'Spirit,' "the third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal, coeternal with the Father and the Son." The Bible translators have created a new meaning and entity by capitalizing, at their own discretion, the word, 'Spirit,' which is supposed to represent the word ruah. (See the article, "Spirit and Soul.") The 'holy spirit,' error generally comes by confusing Yahweh, who is called the Spirit, who should be designated by a capital S, with His gift, which is also called spirit. This gift of spirit should be designated by a small s. Yahweh is spirit (John 4:24). Yahweh is known as the Holy Spirit, as He is also known as the Most High. Yahweh has many titles. The title, 'Holy Spirit,' is a title for Yahweh. This is illustrated in Hebrews 10:15, which states, "But even the Holy Spirit beareth us witness; for, after having said–– This is the covenant which I will covenant unto them after these days, saith the Lord [Yahweh, see Jeremiah 31:33]." This scripture proclaims that the Holy Spirit said, while in verse 16 and in Jeremiah 31:33 the same scriptures proclaims that Yahweh said. Here, in Hebrews 10:16, FN9 the speaker is called Yahweh, while He is called the Holy Spirit in verse 15, which makes the term, 'Holy Spirit,' another title of Yahweh. For more examples see the footnote. FN10 The gift of holy spirit is also called the spirit of Yahweh. FN11 Yahweh is called the Holy Spirit and the spirit of Yahweh is called holy spirit. Romans 8:16 is an example of a verse where the Spirit (A title of Yahweh) is used with His gift, spirit; "The Spirit itself, bears witness together with our spirit that we are children of Yahweh." In the Greek Text all characters are in the same case. The translators decide what is capitalized and what is not capitalized. In the King James Version of the Old Covenant, spirit is not capitalized when referring to Joseph, Bezaleel, Moses, Joshua, Elijah and Yahshua Christ (Gen. 41:38, Ex 31:3, Num. 11:17, Num. 27:18, II Kings 2:9, Is. 11:1,2) but it is capitalized when dealing with Gideon, Jephthah and Samson (Judges 6:34, 11:29, 13:24). Do not depend on the translators when determining the meaning of the Hebrew word, 'ruah,' FN12 and the Greek word, 'pneuma', FN13 (spirit) but rather judge the meaning by how ruah or pneuma is being used in its right context. Ruah and pneuma can mean Yahweh the Spirit; His gift of spirit; the wind, breath, courage, temper and many, many other usages. Another cause of errors in the holy spirit field is that translators have inserted into our English translations the word 'gift', FN14 behind the word 'spiritual.' Spiritual is the Greek word, 'pneumatikos.' FN15 This error has given us the notion that the manifestations, as listed in I Corinthians 12 and 14, are gifts instead of manifestations of the gift. 'Pneumatikos,' which means 'spiritual,' is used twenty-six times in the New Covenant. 'Pneumatikos' is only used once with the Greek word, 'charisma,' which means 'gift.' FN16 Bible translators added the word, 'gifts,' in I Corinthians 12:1 and 14:1. These additions to the text were inspired by religion, which then resulted in the nullification of our Father's commandment; "Pursue love; nevertheless be envious of the spiritual,––and, rather, that ye may be prophesying" (I Cor. 14:1). Do people prophesy in your Church? My point has been made! The parable in Matthew 13:24, concerning the darnels planted amongst the wheat might explain the planting of the word gifts with the word spiritual, as was done in I Corinthians 12:1 and 14:1; "An enemy has done this." A difficult section of scripture is, I Corinthians 12:8-10 FN17. For example, it appears that speaking in tongues is given to only certain individuals. This apparent meaning would contradict the meaning of the rest of the clear verses. If speaking in tongues was a gift then Paul could not say, "I would that ye all spoke with tongues" (I Cor. 14:5). If prophesy was a gift then Paul would not say, "my brethren,—be zealous to prophesy, and do not forbid, to be speaking with tongues" (I Cor. 14:39). I Corinthians 12:8-10 must be read in the light of the clear verses on this subject, which are in I Corinthians 14, Acts 2, 10, 19 and the entire Old Covenant. Joel prophesied that once the gift of spirit was poured out, our sons and our daughters would prophesy. FN18 Are our sons and daughters prophesying? Prophesy was the manifestation of the spirit poured out and not the gift. The gift we receive is the spirit of Yahweh, also known as the holy spirit. The free gift of spirit was given on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:4, 38). The manifestations or evidence of this gift are tongues, tongues with interpretation, prophesy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning of spirits, faith, working of miracles, and healings. Father calls these the manifestation, not manifestations, of the spirit, even though there are nine in number. We will however refer to them as manifestations for clarity sake. "And to each hath been given the manifestation of the spirit for profit" ( Young's I Cor. 12:7). Spirit is similar to the unseen life force residing in a seed. A seed has life in itself. We cannot see an oak seed's life force but we can see the manifestation of this life force when it starts growing. The life force in an oak seed has a purpose, which is to produce a tree, that benefits mankind. The gift of holy spirit is the life force of Yahweh dwelling in us. Spirit is the very nature of Yahweh and we are partakers of His divine nature (II Pe. 1:4). The spirit, in a saint, can lay dormant like a seed or it can be manifested to benefit mankind. In the Old Covenant, the Hebrew word for spirit is 'ruah' FN19. In Isaiah 11, 'ruah' is translated spirit in verse 2, breath in verse 4 and wind in verse 15. FN20 Spirit, breath and wind cannot be physically seen. What we see of these life forces are their manifestations. In John 20:22, our Lord said, "And, this, saying, he breathed strongly, and saith unto them—Receive ye holy spirit." In Acts 2:2 "and there came suddenly out of the heaven a sound as of a bearing violent breath [pnoe]" FN21 (Young's Translation). Spirit, breath and wind are manifestations of power or energy. Your breath is the sign that you are alive. Speaking in tongues, as well as the other eight manifestations, is a sign that the spirit of Yahweh resides in you. Yahweh, in the Old Testament, had put His spirit on individuals and removed His spirit from individuals when they walked in darkness (Ps. 51:11). FN22 Today the spirit is a gift, an incorruptible seed, a seal of our inheritance which cannot be removed (Eph. 1:13). People err when they separate the gift, holy spirit, from its manifestation or its fruit. The operation of our gift of spirit results in nine fruits and nine manifestations. Operations of our gift, holy spiritFruits (Gal. 5:22,23) Manifestations (I Cor. 12:7-10) On the day of Pentecost people could see the manifestation or evidence of the spirit because they heard the believers speak in tongues (Acts 2). We will define the word, "manifestation" as a making known or evidence. Spirit cannot be seen, smelled, tasted, touched or heard. The prophet Elijah is a good example of one manifesting the 'spirit of Yahweh.' FN23 "And, when the sons of the prophets who were in Jericho, over against him, saw him, they said, The spirit of Elijah, rests, on Elisha (El is Salvation)" (II Kings 2:15). How did they know this if the spirit cannot been seen? Elisha manifested the spirit that was upon him by the, energizing of powers, which he performed by parting the Jordan River (II Kings 2:14). Elisha also raised a child from the dead, which would require the operation of word of knowledge, word of wisdom, faith, healings and energizing of powers (II Kings 4:34,35). He also manifested discerning of spirits (II Kings 6:17). In the Old Covenant, prophets, kings, priests and others were anointed with the spirit of Yahweh. The spirit of Yahweh was placed upon them. Following the day of Pentecost, the spirit of Yahweh, holy spirit, was now in a person, thereby making us children of Yahweh (Rm. 8). The Old Covenant believers were servants of Yahweh. Today we are children of Yahweh, born of Elohim; FN24 incorruptible seed (I Pe. 1:23). There are nine manifestations of the spirit and Elisha operated seven of the nine. The manifestation of speaking in tongues was not available at that time. The spirit of Yahweh, when operated, will bring forth power to Yahweh's people. In the book of Exodus, Yahweh put His spirit on Bezaleel. How did the people know that Bezaleel had the spirit of Yahweh? They knew by his workmanship. FN25 Prophecy is a manifestation of the spirit, which all the prophets and others operated. Prophesy is Yahweh speaking to His people by way of word of knowledge and word of wisdom. Yahweh took of the spirit that was upon Moses and anointed seventy elders with the spirit and they all began to prophesy (Num. 11:10-29). Moses desired to have the spirit on all the people in order that they could prophesy (Num. 11:29). Saul prophesied after he was anointed with the spirit of Yahweh (I Sam. 9:3- 10:11). Our sons and our daughters are supposed to prophesy when they are anointed with spirit (Joel 2:28). The promise of the Father, which came to pass in Acts 2, is that He would pour out His spirit and people would prophesy etc. The Promise was foretold in Joel 2:28,29 which stated, "I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions." The spirit is given, to manifest Yahweh's power and goodness by way of the nine manifestations of the spirit. The spirit is not to be extinguished nor lie dormant, as it does in millions of believers today (I Thes. 5:19). People have believed the words of men that are influenced by our adversary, instead of believing the Word of Yahweh. Yahshua foretold his followers that the promise was coming. FN26 The promise of the spirit, given by our Father, had finally come to pass on the day of Pentecost, after approximately 600 years of waiting. Yahshua manifested power after he received his anointing with the spirit of Yahweh; "And Yahshua returned, in the power of the spirit, into Galilee…" (Lk. 4:14). "And Yahshua, having been immersed, straightway, went up from the water,—and lo! the heavens were opened and he saw the spirit of Yahweh, descending like a dove coming upon him" (Mt. 3:16). He now had the spirit of his Father, and what was the first manifestation he operated? It was word of knowledge and word of wisdom, because the Spirit led him into the wilderness (Matt. 4:1). Yahshua walked, by the spirit, for forty days in the wilderness and then was led by the spirit into the synagogue where he read a scripture from the Book of Isaiah; "The spirit of My Lord Yahweh, is upon me,—Because Yahweh Hath anointed me to tell good tidings to the oppressed, hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, To proclaim To captives, liberty, To them who are bound, the opening of the prison; To proclaim—The year of acceptance of Yahweh" (Is. 61:1,2). He gave the scroll back and said, "This day, is fulfilled this scripture, in your ears" (Lk. 4:21). Yahshua received power when he received the spirit of Yahweh; "How Yahweh anointed Yahshua of Nazareth with the holy spirit and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for Yahweh was with him" (Acts 10:38). We have received the same anointing with holy spirit that our Lord received, which is why we can do the same mighty works (Jn. 14:12). Are we walking in the power of the spirit? Yahshua cast out demons by the spirit of Yahweh (Matt. 12:28). Our Lordoperatedword of knowledge, word of wisdom and discerning of spirits to accomplish this deliverance. Our Lord said, "And, behold, I send the promiseof my father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high" (Luke 24:49). "He charged them…not to absent themselves, but—To abide around the promise of the Father which ye have heard of me, Because, John, indeed, immersed with water; but, ye, in holy spirit shall be immersed" (Acts 1:4,5). Peter, on the day of Pentecost said, "The same Yahshua, hath Yahweh raised up, whereof, all we, are witnesses! By the right hand of Yahweh, therefore, having been exalted, also, the promise of the holy spirit, having received from the Father, He hath poured out this which, yourselves, do see and hear…Repent ye, and let each one of you be immersed, in the name of Yahshua the Anointed, into the remission of your sins,—and ye shall receive the free-gift of the holy spirit" (Acts 2:32-38). When we made Yahshua our Lord and believed in our heart that Yahweh raised him from among the dead we "were sealed with the spirit of the promise, the holy" (Eph. 1:13). When people receive the holy spirit they are supposed to manifest the spirit by, speaking in tongues and prophesying (Acts 19:3-7, 10:44-46). The promise of holy spirit is closely associated with 'the Sacred Secret,' FN27 the Body of the Christ. We are one with the Anointed One, the Christ. He is our Head and we are his members. We have been anointed with spirit. Father's will is still to proclaim the good news, heal the sick and deliver the oppressed but we need the spirit, which is power, in order to accomplish these tasks. We are the Body of the Anointed One. We, the Body of Christ, bring into evidence the Christ, by operating the nine manifestations and the nine fruits of the spirit. These manifestations, when operated in love, bring people deliverance from the power of darkness. The great sacred secret, which is the new creation, the Anointed One, and the promise, which is spirit, go hand in hand; "there is one body, and one spirit" (Eph. 4:4). The one Body is written about in I Corinthians chapter twelve, along with the manifestation of the one spirit. They go together. If the rulers of this age had known about this sacred secret they would not have crucified the Lord (I Cor. 2:8). When we manifest and bear fruits of the spirit, we manifest our Father and our Lord. Father has instructed us that they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:21-24, I Cor. 14:14-17). Let us prophesy that the Assembly is built-up and let us speak in tongues to our Father, which is speaking sacred secrets (I Cor. 14:2, 39). We give thanks to our Father through speaking in tongues (I Cor. 14:17). We are well pleasing to our Father when we operate the manifestations in faith (Heb. 11:6). Speaking in TonguesIf Christ were on the earth today, he would be prophesying, healing, casting out demons, energizing mighty works and receiving information from Yahweh. In other words he would be setting the captive free! I've got Good News! He is on the earth exercising his love and power through his Body, you and I; this is the Great Sacred Secret of the Christ unveiled in Ephesians (See "This Sacred Secret is Great" under Misc.). Yahshua was the mouth, hands and feet of Yahweh, his Head, when he was on this earth. He was anointed with the spirit of Yahweh, which enabled him to perform the supernatural. FN28 Now we, the Body of the Christ, are the mouth, hands and feet of the Christ, who is our Head. We have also been anointed with spirit, which enables us to do the supernatural. The phrase, WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?), would be appropriate to a person who did not have spirit; when Yahshua was dead and in the tomb; Christ is now alive and in us by way of spirit. Our new phrase today should not be WWJD but WDCW (What Does Christ Will). We have the mind of Christ. FN29 Christ communicates with His Body by spirit and has enabled His Body with power to deliver people from the power of darkness; "But ye shall receive power when the holy spirit cometh upon you…" (Acts 1:8). Speaking in tongues is communication with power. Christ's will is for all of us to speak in tongues! FN30 (Powerless religious leaders tell their members that speaking in tongues and the other manifestations have passed away but the fruits of the spirit have not passed away? Interesting! If there is no word of knowledge and word of wisdom then the Head (Christ) is not in communication with His Body, thereby making it powerless. Christ is then not in us (it must only be symbolic) and we cannot be imitators of Christ because we do not have the tools that he had. We must not need childish things like healings, raising the dead, demons being cast out and hearing exhortation and comfort from our Father because that which is perfect has come? This is unbelief and deception, which is nothing new. Yahweh told the children of Israel to enter the Land of Canaan. Joshua and Caleb believed to walk in the supernatural, while ten other men spoke fear and unbelief to the people of Israel. They decided to disobey Yahweh, to not walk by faith, which resulted in their death in the wilderness. Father commands "do not forbid, to be speaking with tongues," FN31 while ten pastors will do just that. Do you want to cross the river Jordan and walk by faith like Joshua and Caleb? Only believe!) Yahweh has used the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and the weak things of the world to confound the mighty. FN32 Science would call events recorded in the Word, foolishness. For instance, when people were being killed by serpents, Yahweh told Moses, "Make thee a like serpent, and put it upon standard,––and it shall come to pass, that, any one who is bitten, as soon as he seeth it, shall live. So Moses made a serpent of bronze, and put it upon the standard,––and it came to pass––that, if the serpent had bitten any man, as soon as he directed his look unto the serpent of bronze, he lived" (Num. 21:8-9). Doctors would laugh at this record. There is nothing scientific about it! The walls of Jericho fell down when the trumpets were blown. Scientific? If the Israelites collected two day's portions of manna, worms would foul it for the next day but if they collected two days portion on the day before the Sabbath the manna would last for two days. Yahshua turned water into wine and had Peter catch a fish with money in its mouth! The examples presented above would be foolishness to the world of science as speaking in tongues is but they are the power of Yahweh to those who believe! Speaking in tongues is no different than walking on water; they both require faith; they both would look foolish to the world. Peter didn't care because he did both! A child of Yahweh, operating the manifestation of the spirit called tongues, will be edified spiritually; spiritually built-up. He can operate this manifestation in two situations: in public and in private. (1) The bulk of a believer's speaking in tongues is in his own private life. As such, speaking in tongues in private will be prayer or praise to the Father and therefore is not interpreted. This prayer and praise is spoken of as "praying in the spirit FN33." (2) A believer can also speak in tongues publicly in the Assembly. When a person publicly speaks in tongues, he must interpret in order that the Body of the Christ receives edification. In the Assembly, speaking in tongues with interpretation, is a message from Yahweh to the Body of the Christ, to edify the group of people by way of exhortation and comfort. FN34 "To exhort" means "to encourage to a more worthy endeavor." "To comfort" is "to give a quiet serenity, a peacefulness and an acquiescence to the greatness of the things Yahweh has to say." Speaking in tongues with interpretation edifies the Assembly by encouraging them and/or comforting them. This building up of the Body of the Christ by means of speaking in tongues with interpretation, is a message from Yahweh to men, as if Yahweh Himself is in the Assembly. Yahweh has always spoken to mankind by the way of men. Interpretation of tongues and prophecy -Build up the Body of the ChristI Corinthians 14:5: I Corinthians 14:3: I Corinthians 14:39 I Corinthians 14:15: "Tongues," means "unknown language to the speaker." "For, he that speaketh with a tongue, not unto men, doth speak, but, unto Yahweh, for no one understandeth…" Acts 2:6-12, telling of the twelve apostles' receiving the gift of holy spirit on the Day of Pentecost, says that the apostles spoke in tongues as the Spirit (Yahweh) gave them utterance. The unconverted who heard them speak, understood the tongues these twelve apostles were inspired to speak. The listeners reported that these apostles were speaking the "wonderful works of Yahweh". On the Day of Pentecost, what the speaker spoke was an unknown language to himself, but not necessarily to the listeners. We must be zealous for things of the spirit; for the edification of ourselves and the Body of the Christ. Let all things be done unto edifying! Let us choose the Word of Yahweh over the traditions and unbelief of men. Our adversary, who operates through men known as false brethren, is called the 'deceiver,' the enemy, who has sown darnels in our wonderful Father's field, which is His Word. His method of operation is to get mankind to doubt or question the Word of Yahweh, as he did with Eve. His first recorded words were, "Can it really be that Elohim hath said" (Gen. 3:1). His word to the Christian Church is, "only certain people have the 'gifts of the spirit' and you don't have them," or "the gifts went out with the apostles" or "…that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part has been done away." Let us obey the Word of Yahweh, instead of seeking to please men. The apostle Paul's preaching was, "in demonstration of the spirit and of power." Why? That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of Yahweh (I Cor 1:4,5). Let us covet to prophesy in order that the Body of the Christ may be edified (I Cor. 14:1, 39). Let us worship and pray to our Father by spirit, as He requires, which is speaking in tongues (John 4:24, I Co. 14:2, 14). The Apostle Paul, who we are to be imitators of, spoke in tongues more than the whole Corinthian Church (I Cor. 14:18). All the apostles and Mary, the mother of Yahshua, spoke in tongues. Let us operate faith, healings and energizing of powers to mankind. Let us walk in the power of the one body and the one spirit; we are "complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power" (Col. 2:10). Preach the gospel, Heal the sick, Deliver the oppressed by operating your gift, the spirit of Yahweh, which is power from on high. Freely we have received, freely give. How to Speak in TonguesNow that you know why one speaks in tongues and when one speaks in tongues, I know that you would like to receive into manifestation, the power of holy spirit. I know that you would like to speak the wonderful works of Yahweh and magnify our Father. To do this there is one thing you must do and that is to believe Yahweh's Word. For what He has promised He is not only willing to perform, but He is able to perform. I can assure you, that when you speak in tongues you will be speaking "the wonderful works of Yahweh;" "speaking sacred secrets," and "excellently giving thanks" unto our Heavenly Father. FN35 Let me unfold the keys to you and shortly you too will be speaking the wonderful works of Yahweh. Acts 2:4 says, "And they were all filled with holy spirit [the gift], and began to be speaking with other kinds of tongues just as the Spirit [the Giver, Yahweh] was giving unto them to be sounding forth." They were all filled - nobody was missed. Nobody ever gets missed if he has heard the Word and if he believes it and then acts upon it. Father is always faithful and nobody then can be passed over. Father has promised that if you believed and confessed Romans 10:9-10, then you have been filled with His gift, holy spirit. You have the ability to manifest the spirit (speaking in tongues) as well as bearing fruit of the spirit (love, joy peace etc.). Paul, in I Thessalonians 2:13, thanked Yahweh that they "received the Word of Yahweh which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the Word of Yahweh." You too must follow Yahweh's truth as told in the Word of Yahweh. If you know that what I'm saying to you are words, which the Holy Spirit has spoken, then you too will manifest the greatness of the power of Yahweh. If you will do what I ask you, then you can manifest the fullness of the abundance of our Father, the wonderful power of Yahweh. Remember Acts 2:4 says, "And they were all filled with holy spirit, and began to be speaking …" They, the people did the speaking. Have you ever thought through the mechanics of speech? You with your own vocal organs have to do the speaking. The same mechanics that are involved in speaking English or any other known language are involved in speaking in tongues. For instance, if I say, "I love the Lord Yahshua," what did I mechanically do? I moved my lips, I moved my tongue, I moved my throat, I made the sound and I had to think. All this is involved in the mechanics of speech. You say audibly, "I love the Lord Yahshua." What did you do? You moved your lips, your throat and your tongue to speak. You formulated the Words; you pushed them out. The only difference between speaking in tongues and speaking in English is that when I say, "I love the Lord Yahshua," I have to think. When I speak in tongues I don't think the Words I speak. The Spirit, Yahweh, gives the Words to my spirit and I formulate them on my lips. I do not think the Words, but they are there when I move my lips, my throat and my tongue. Believe to be very natural and at ease. You have to move your lips, your throat and tongue; you push the air through your voice box to make the sounds. You have to formulate the Words but the Words you speak, as in Acts 2:4, are as the Spirit gives you utterance. What you speak is Yahweh's business but that you speak is your business. I make the sounds but the Words that I speak are given to my spirit. Yahweh gives the utterance and they are words that magnify His Name; they are speaking the wonderful works of our Father. This is the greatness of the manifestation of speaking in tongues. If you understand the mechanics of speaking in English or in any other language that you know, then you understand the mechanics of speaking in tongues. If you have received the spirit of Yahweh, the power is in you but you have to do the speaking – not Yahweh – you do it. You will have no difficulty with Yahweh; the only difficulty you will have is in your own mind and understanding of what you have to do. Peter had to step out of the boat onto the water in order to do the supernatural. You, not the Spirit, move your lips; you move your tongue; you move your throat; you give the Words sound by the power of Yahweh that is in you. Thus you are speaking forth the wonderful, wonderful works of our Father. How simple and beautiful it really is. Acts 2 is the order of action for the Assembly. Acts 2:38: This is for the Assembly of Yahweh in which you and I live. When you confess with your mouth that Yahshua is your Lord and believe in your heart that Yahweh raised him from among the dead, you have the remission of sins. FN36 The Word says, "you shall receive." You are to demonstrate in the senses-world the proof that you have received spiritually. As you manifest, you speak the wonderful works of Yahweh; you magnify our Father. John 7 tells us a great truth that you and I need to understand when we manifest forth the power of holy spirit. John 7:37-39: "Out of the innermost being of that man shall flow rivers [not little streams] of living water." When you receive into manifestation the power from Yahweh, you do not receive more spiritual substance; you just receive into evidence, into manifestation in the senses-world, what you already have within. Demonstrating the holy spirit does not mean you have been given something new; you are simply manifesting to your senses what you have within. The gift of holy spirit is already in you. Yahweh gave you the ability to speak in tongues when you received holy spirit. The act of speaking in tongues is your responsibility; you already have the potential. If you don't speak in tongues, it isn't because Yahweh hasn't given you the ability. Yahweh, through His Son promised, "River, from within him, shall flow, of living water." This is what Yahshua spoke and what He told the apostles before He ascended. Out of the innermost being, would flow rivers of living water. So when you begin to speak in tongues, you formulate the words, you speak forth the words and let them bubble, let them flow freely, not trickle. When you start speaking in tongues, let it flow with the one sound right after the other. That is what the Word says and that is what it means. Luke 11:11-13: I want you to close your eyes and sit quietly. You make the sounds. Sit quietly and do exactly as I instruct. In John 20:22, "Yahshua, therefore, said unto them, again,––Peace be unto you! Just as, my Father, sent me forth, I, also, send you. And, this, saying, he breathed strongly, and saith unto them––Receive ye holy spirit." Yahshua instructed the apostles before the ascension to breath in. In a moment I want you to open your mouth wide and breathe in. "And in the day of the Pentecost being fulfilled, they were all with one accord at the same place, and there came suddenly out of the heaven a sound as of a bearing violent breath, and it filled all the house where they were sitting, and there appeared to them divided tongues, as it were of fire; it sat also upon each one of them, and they were all filled with the holy spirit [gift], and began to speak with other tongues, according as the Spirit [Yahweh] was giving them to declare" (Acts 2:1-4, Young's). Open you mouth wide and breathe in. You are not going to receive anything more spiritually; you are now going to bring into evidence the spirit, which lives within you. Just breathe in. Open your mouth wide. While you are breathing in, thank Yahweh for having filled you with the fullness of the power of His holy spirit. Don't beg Him; thank Him for it. When you begin to speak in tongues, move your lips, throat and tongue. Speak forth. When you have finished one sound, speak another. Do not pay any attention to what you are thinking. You formulate the words; you move your lips, throat and tongue and you say it. You are magnifying Yahweh no matter what the words sound like to your ears. It is your part to speak in tongues; it's Yahweh's part to give the utterance. Keep moving your lips, throat and tongue. Formulate another sound. You have to formulate the sounds differently on your lips. Father has given them to your spirit. They are in your spirit coming on your tongue. You have to speak them out. You are speaking the wonderful works of Yahweh; you are magnifying Yahweh; you are speaking in tongues. The external manifestation is your proof in the senses world that you have Christ, the Anointed One, within. Christ is your Head. You are his Body. Get bold on it; let it flow out; let it effervesce. "Out of the belly shall flow rivers of living water." Keep on speaking. Yahweh is giving the words to your spirit; your spirit is bringing them up to your throat and you are bringing them out. Breathe in deeply and now begin to speak in tongues as I have instructed you. …All things, are possible, to him who believes. Speaking In Tongues Footnotes
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